Reasons To Join Watch Flix
the No.1 streaming service
7,000+ Live Channels
Stream live TV channels, watch live programs, sports and more.
14,000+ On Demand
Watch over 14,000 movies, shows, documentaries, cartoons & more.
Low Cost
Subscription options are much cheaper then alternative streaming services.
No Contract
You’re not tied to any contract when you sign up. End your subscription anytime.
No Credit Checks
We don’t perform any credit checks. Choose your subscription and start watching.
Low Latency
We use high bandwidth connections in order to provide content without buffering.
24/7 Customer Support
Staff are always available to answer your questions and provide technical support.
Native App Provided
We provide a native streaming app with the subscription to use on your device.
Access World Wide Content
Stream live channels from all over the world. No need for large satellites.

Choose a subscription
Choose a payment plan that works for you. Unlimited content is included in every plan.

Enter your information
We’ll email you the login information, a guide and link to the app.

Start streaming
Start streaming. No need to wait for an engineer. Start streaming within minutes.